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Absolute Power #1 (Of 4) Cvr AClick to Enlarge
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Absolute Power #1 (Of 4) Cvr A

SKU : DCDL326099
This product was added in our store 12/26/2024 4:14:12 PM.
Stock :In Stock
Regular Price: : $5.99
Product Description :
THE TRINITY OF EVIL HAS WON. DC's epic summer event kicks off with a bang, as the combined might of FAILSAFE and the BRAINIAC QUEEN has at last given Amanda Waller the ability to steal the metahuman abilities of every hero and villain on planet Earth. As chaos erupts in the streets and a massive misinformation campaign sways public opinion to her side, the founder of the Suicide Squad methodically targets each superhero dynasty one at a time, starting with SUPERMAN. But even in this darkest of hours, a resistance is forming...and BATMAN is out for vengeance. It's a shocking blitzkrieg across the globe that is decades in the making--and will shape the course of the DC Universe for years to come! Brought to you by the superstar talents of MARK WAID and DAN MORA--it all starts here!

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